Member Jungle App Module

The Member Jungle Mobile App, automatically updates alongside your website and can be customised to your membership organisation. Use the app to communicate with members as well as to approve memberships and manage event attendance too.


You can find the Member Jungle App Module in your list of modules. You must be logged in as an administrator with the appropriate permissions.

Viewing App Statistics

On the App Module Overview page, you can view the % of members using your app, and also the members app interaction graph. 

You can drag and drop these reports around and click on the cog icon to change the settings of the reports if desired.

App Overview Page-1

App Settings: Customising Your App Layout

The mobile app can be customised by administrators, with what modules and information is displayed on the dashboard. 

To do this, select the App Settings option from the left navigation in the Member Jungle App Module. 

You can reorder the dashboard by dragging and dropping the different widgets into your desired layout.

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To view an example of how the widget will display, click on the eye icon on that widget. 

To turn a widget off the App dashboard, you can select the activate Activate icon to deactivate the widget and this will no longer display as a featured item on your App dashboard. If you wish to turn the widget back on, you need to re-tick the activate icon again.

Showing Plain Pages In The App 

You can select pages from your website that you would like to display as a clickable link on your mobile app. These pages cannot be linked to a module and must be plain pages only. You can also link to an external website via the app. More on this below.

To do this, select the App Settings option from the left navigation. Under the "Pages to show in app" heading, select the relevant pages that you would like to display and click on the + symbol to add.

Save your selections once you have finished adding the required pages.

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Link To An External Website

To create a button in the app that links to an external website, either create a new page or edit and existing page and change the 'Page Sub Type' to 'Link Page'. This will allow you to then enter the URL of the website you would like to link to.

Please note: if you edit an existing page and change it to a 'Link Page' the page content will no longer be viewable since the page will now be a link to an external website. If this is a concern, please create a new page. More details here on managing pages: Add a New Page.

If you wish to show this link page on your website, please enable the option 'Show Page In Navigation'. You can also include the page in search if you wish.

Now that you have your link page ready to go, now we just need to add it to the app. To add the page to the app, please follow the section above 'Showing Plain Pages In The App'.

Personalising Your App Design

To personalise your mobile app with your branding and colours, go to the App Design option on the left navigation. 


Add a description of your organisation. This will tell those that are searching the app for your club, just what you do.5-2

Add an app highlight colour to dictate the overlay colour of your mobile app and background image. This colour is also used in your Membership Card, so be mindful to check both the app and membership card and ensure both are as you require. 

Add an app logo to brand your mobile app. This will show when members are searching for your organisation in the Member Jungle app, and in the top header of the app dashboard. This logo should be approximately 160px by 160px when uploaded, and will display as a circle. If your logo is not already round, you may need to add some white space around your logo and re-upload. 
Keep in mind that this logo is also used in conjunction with the app highlight colour to create your membership card.

Add an app background image to display in the header of your app. This image is recommended to be approx 1024px by 768px at upload and will display behind the logo in the top of your app. The image will have the app highlight colour as an overlay. 

Google Play & App Store Badges

You can let your members know how and where to get the Member Jungle Mobile App by displaying the Google Play and App Store Badges in your communication to your member base. 

We have made it simple for you to display this information to your members by supplying the HTML to insert into the source code of your pages, emails and other communication. 

Simply click on the "click here to copy HTML badge" under the relevant icon, and then open the source code  source to the page you wish to insert the badge and hit paste. 

This will now give your members a clickable link to download the app.

Select what Module you want to display in the app

The member jungle app module now has a checkbox setting at the bottom of the "App settings" section, where you can select which modules are displayed in the app.

Sending Push Notifications to the App

You can communicate directly to members via the mobile app by sending push notifications. Push notifications can be sent via the

- News Module

- Events Module

- Document/Resource Library and the

- Blog Module

To send a notification, login to the relevant module and click on the notify app button. Members can manage their own notifications via the app to control which messages they receive and also view all notifications together in the app.

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