Importing Secondary Members

Here's the process for importing your secondary members to their corresponding primary members.

Note: This functionality is exclusive to specific packages. If it's not visible on your end, kindly submit a ticket here

Ensure that this import is conducted only after importing all primary members. Additionally, the membership level must have group memberships enabled to enable the secondary import functionality. Please see more details here: Setting Up Group Membership

To get started, go to 'Membership' > 'Member Import' > 'Secondary Import'.


The page provides instructions to guide you through the import process. It is essential to reference this information to ensure the success of your import.

Click on   and open the downloaded file.

Here are the additional required fields when importing secondary members.

  • primary_member_number
  • relationship_code

You'll notice that the CSV file for importing secondary members has no 'expiry_date' column as it will be inherited from the primary member.

While most fields are optional to complete before import, certain mandatory fields require your attention.
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • email (if your secondary members don't have an email address see here)

Incomplete fields will be visibly empty in the membership data for secondary members. However, enabling login access for secondary members empowers them to update their details and complete any vacant fields at their convenience.

The process of importing secondary members closely mirrors that of importing primary members, with the exceptions highlighted above. For additional details, please see here: How to Import Your Members

To get started, here are the steps:

  1. Once you have completed your import data, save it as a CSV file.
  2. Select the membership level, and both the membership product and the membership expiry date will be inherited from the primary member.
  3. Select 'Default Relationship Code' from the dropdown option. There's also a link to edit the relationship code.
  4. If the file includes existing members, indicate whether you want their details to be updated with the data in the import file by selecting 'Yes' in the checkbox.
  5. If your file contains empty fields for some or all of the secondary members, choose whether you want the system to ignore these fields or import them as blank fields.
  6. Import the file.
  7. Check the box indicating, "I have imported all primary members."
  8. Click, 'Next' to import your secondary members.

  9. If your data is correctly formatted without any issues, you will be directed to a screen where you can confirm the accuracy of the member import.

  10. If all of the details are correct and ready for import, then click on the Import button. 
  11. If you require changes, then click back, and edit your data file to import again.
  12. After clicking 'Import,' a status bar will display as your members are imported. Once the import reaches 100% completion, you can acknowledge the import and your secondary members will now be visible in your members' list and under the 'Secondary Members' tab against the primary member profile. More details here: Viewing a member or Person's Profile


13.If your data contains errors that prevent successful import, please refer to additional details provided here: Importing your Members.