Transferring Members Between Levels

How you can transfer a member from one membership level to another.


To transfer a member between membership levels you will first need to Edit the Membership Level settings to control which levels you can transfer between. Make sure your Membership Levels are all setup correctly to allow for transfers between Membership Levels.  See Membership Level Setup.


To transfer a Members you need to login to the website and have Editor Access of the Membership System.  Transferring a member will NOT transfer form data from custom fields.  This is because custom fields are set per membership level.

  • Click on Membership in the top navigation bar.
  • On the far left in the navigation click on “Members” and choose the Membership Level they are currently a member of.
    NOTE: You can only transfer "Current" Members.  The membership level you are transferring to must also have at least one Signup Only or Standard product.  You cannot transfer to a Renew Only product.

  • Select the Current Members Tab and search for the relevant member.
  • Once the member appears in your search results you will see a "..." link on the far right of their name.

  • Click the "..." link and then on 'Transfer Member'.  Select the new Membership Level you wish you transfer them to and the product.
  • Click 'Transfer'.  A confirmation will display telling you if the Member Transfer was successful.

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  • If you visit the new Membership Level and find your Member you can see in their "Notes" that they have had a Membership Level change. 


If you wish to see all members that have ever been transferred you will need to conduct a Member search. For more information see Member Searches. 


You can renew a member that has been transferred into a different membership level, which will reinstate their membership in the level that they were transferred from. 
To do this, click on the more icon rtaImage-Aug-26-2020-01-21-52-88-AM next to the members name, and select renew from the drop down list.
Here you will complete the members renewal information, and submit.