Admin Dashboard

How to manage your Dashboard.

Your website Dashboard is a tool used to give a summary of the activity on your website. Any changes made to your dashboard will only affect your account, so you can create the dashboard how you want it. It shows recent site changes, page views, discussion forum activity, events and memberships and plus.

Plus, you can add and change the Widgets to customise the information you would like to view.

Site Administrators and users with "Dashboard - Item Administrator" permissions will also have access to the Site Payments Report.  For more details on allowing access to these additional pages please see Creating Roles and Permissions for users.  To access the Site Payments Report please take a look at this article Site Payments Report.

The dashboard also has various tabs for managing your account details, memberships, stored payment details and other module specific details.

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To get to the Dashboard, select the Dashboard tab from the top menu. The page you arrive on will appear like the sample below:

Adding Widgets to Dashboard

To add a Widget to your Dashboard, click the Add Widget button at the top of the page above the reports.  

Select which Widget you would like to appear on your Dashboard from the pop-up, and click + Add Widget. 

Editing Widgets

To resize, or edit the settings of a Widget, click the cog icon  on the top right of the Widget.

Select if you would like the Widget to display small, medium or large.

Select the number or days or weeks to include in the report. 

Re-Ordering Widgets

To move and re-order Widgets on your Dashboard display, click and hold your left mouse button on the report heading, and drag and drop the Widget to the desired location. 

Deleting Widgets

To Delete a Widget from the Dashboard, click the X icon in the top right corner of the Widget. 

Collapsing the Left Navigation

If you would like more room to view widgets you can click the collapse arrow at the top of the left navigation to hide the menu.  Just click the arrow again to reveal the menu.
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