Member Jungle Product Release - May 20

Here is a summary of the new features added in our May 2020 release


Access to Reports and other Settings

You can now set up a security role so that someone other than the Site Admin can access the Site Payments Report and other site settings. 

Create a role in Security and give it the ITEM_ADMINISTRATOR privilege for the Dashboard Module.  You can now assign that role to an account (like your club treasurer) and they will be able to access those features.

Further help on setting up roles and permissions is available on our help portal.

Site Payment Report

Two new filters have been added to the Site Payment Report which will allow for greater analysis of your payments.

These new filters are: 

  • Payment Type - allows filtering on Payment Types like Cash, Gateway etc
  • Module - You can now filter on Events, Membership and Store transactions.


Data Exports

We have improved the layouts of the Member Data Exports so they are consistent across reports and both the 'Export Members to CSV' and the 'Export Form Data to CSV' have the full members 'demographic' data. The demographic data is the main personal information like name, addresses, phone, email etc. 

'Export Members to CSV' has this information plus the members current Member Level and Product purchased. In addition we also show the current name of the product purchased (as this can be changed by the Membership admin).

'Export Form Data to CSV' has the demographic information and then the data collected specific to their most recent application or renewal of a membership level. We have also removed any repetition of account information if you are exporting across Membership Levels with different custom form fields.


Event Ticket Attributes

This is a change that will allow for more accurate information to be collected when you sell tickets for an event. You can add up to three attributes against a ticket (eg First Name, Last Name, Dietary Requirements) and when a ticket is sold, the member is prompted for this extra information for each ticket.  So instead of a purchase showing a ticket purchased and the quantity, every ticket will be shown uniquely with the associated collected information.

This feature is optional against an event ticket and reports and invoices etc have been updated to show this new information.

Event Data Exports

The Event data exports have been updated so that the full demographic data is included (see changes to Membership Data Exports, above).

Other Improvements

Preview of Email messages has been improved for the Email Campaign.

A new version of the Member Jungle App has been released in the last week. Make sure you update from your app store.

Plus we have squashed a few bugs that have popped up along the way including a pesky one of '&' in a News Title not being handled correctly.