Re-send Emails
Introducing the ability to re-send an email to a member. In the member drop down in the member list you can choose to Re-send Email. From there you can choose to re-send the Welcome Email, Renewal Emails, Reminders and also to resend an Invoice.
Members Dashboard shows emails
Similar to what you as an admin can see in a Members Pop-up, we have added emails sent to a member to their account dashboard. They can view any emails sent from your Member Jungle system to them.
Re-send Emails
Re-send emails also comes to the Events module. With Ticketed Events you can re-send invoices and the registration email (for non-cancelled orders) and for Registration events you can re-send the registration email.
Product Catalogue
Re-send Emails
Re-send Emails also comes to the Product Catalogue. All Orders can be re-sent the invoice and Shipped orders can also be re-sent the Tracking Details email.
In your Organisation Settings you can now add more Support Contacts up to the limit of your plan.
We have also made some system performance modifications which should make Member Jungle even snappier.