Creating Roles and Permissions for Users

How to add and edit roles and permissions for users in the Security Module.

Page & Items Permissions and Approvals

To add, or change a Users Permissions, you need to click the Security tab in the top menu bar from the Administration Area. Select Roles from the left side menu. A list of current Roles is shown.

Icons will appear next to the role name based on the permissions granted.    and  .

Adding a Role

Scroll down to the "Add Role" section of the page, and complete the fields;

  • Role Name: The name in which the Users Role will be listed under (Eg; Staff, Associate Member, etc)
  • Role Description: Describe the role (Eg; Become an associate member of our great club!)

Click Save & Close

Assigning Permissions to a Role

To add or change the Permissions of a new or existing Role, click the Permissions icon 
  • The current Permissions are listed on this page.
  • To add Permissions to the User, select the Page, or the Module from the relevant drop down list, and click Add. 

Once the Page or Module is listed, click to tick the boxes of the Privileges for that Role. 

Not all modules have the same permission granularity so some of the below may not be selectable.

To apply or remove all page and module permissions to a role, click the GRANT ALL or REMOVE ALL button:

Adding an Expiry Date to a Role for a User

If you would like a role to expire for a user, an expiry date can be set against the role assigned to the user.  The role must first be assigned to the user before you can set an expiry date.

Search for the user in SECURITY.

Click on the 'Roles' icon for the user you would like to modify.

Click on the expiry date.

You will now be able to set or modify the expiry date of the role for that user.

Click DONE once new date is entered.

To save the changes, click SAVE & CLOSE to apply the change.

Page Permissions

When adding page permissions to a role, the module privilege 'Plain Pages' must be added along with the ITEM CONTRIBUTOR permission.  This will allow granular page permissions to be set for the role.

  • PAGE APPROVER: When Page Publishing Mode is set to 'approve' or 'submit and approve' this permission allows a user to approve the page changes.
  • PAGE EDITOR: Can edit the page content in that area of the site or the default page content associated with a module.

To delete a Permission, un-check all the boxes for the role.

Module Permissions

For each Module (some modules may not have all these permission options).

  • APP_VIEWER: Provides the ability to view the member list in the app.
  • CHAT_PARTICIPANT: Provides ability to create direct chats and chat groups within the app.
  • COORDINATOR: Provides access to event registration lists in the app and scanning capabilities (if enabled for a site).
  • ITEM_ADMINISTRATOR: provides full administrative access.
  • ITEM_APPROVER: provides full access to everything . Only privilege that can send App Announcements and Approve.
  • ITEM_CONTRIBUTOR: provides access to edit own items. Can Activate and Delete own items. Cannot Announce. For Events can see my Event Reports.
  • ITEM_EDITOR: provides access to edit all items. Can Activate and Delete. Cannot Announce.
  • ITEM_VIEWER: provides view-only access to the module.

To delete a Permission, un-check all the boxes for the role.

Editing a Role

To Edit the name or description of a Role, click the Edit Icon next to the Role you wish to edit.

When you have completed your changes, click Save & Close.

Adding a User

To Add a User to a Role, select the Users icon next to the relevant Role.

Select the Users name from the drop down list, and click Save.

Deleting a User

To Delete a User from a Role, select the Users icon  next to the relevant Role.

Click Delete next to the Users name, and click to confirm on the pop up.

Deleting a Role

To Delete a Role, click the Delete icon  next to the relevant role.