Banner Module

Use the banner module to include sponsored advertisements on your website.

The banner ad module is designed to display banner images for the purpose for advertising. These can be used to promote your own events or products on your website, or for external and sponsor advertising.

The banner module may need to be added to your website. Please raise a support ticket to make this request.

Creating a banner

To create a banner, you will need to be logged in as administrator. Then go to Modules > Banner Ads.

Scroll down the page to the "Add a banner" section, and complete the fields. 

  • Banner name: this is for your own identification of the banner
  • Banner type: determines where the banner will be positioned on the page. 
  • Display start date: determines when the banner will begin displaying on your site
  • Display end date: if you would like the banner to be deactivated after a certain date, you can select this here
  • Alternative text: provide the image with alt text (used in place of the image, if the users browser in unable to load the image for any reason)
  • URL when clicked: add a URL for the banner to redirect to another page or website when clicked on
  • Open new window when banner clicked? Select if you would like the browser to open the URL into a new window when a user clicks on it. This will avoid the user being taken from your website, if the URL is for an external website.
  • Site wide banner?: Select if you would like the banner to be available to add to all pages site wide, or if you would like to restrict the banner to select pages.
  • Specific pages for this banner: If you select no to the banner being site wide, please select which pages you would like the banner to be available to use. Hold Ctrl down to select more than one page.
  • Upload file: Upload your pre-designed banner image.
    • Left and right banner images run down the side of the content area, and should be designed in a portrait profile, with approximate size of 300px - 450px wide by 500px - 700px high (if you have lots of content on the page, then you can make the image taller in order for the banner to extend the full length of the page).
    • Bottom and top banner images run across the page, and should be designed in landscape profile, with images 1200px wide, by as tall as you require. The standard height is around 350-400px 
  • Image Width: if you would like your image resized on upload, input your selected image width

Once you have saved your new banner, you will need to active the banner in order to add it to a page.rtaImage (32)

Examples of banner ads

Below is a left side banner. You can see that it is positioned beside the content area, therefore making the content area narrower. You may need to be mindful of this when selecting which page to add your banner to.
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Below is an example of a bottom banner. This runs horizontally across the bottom of the page content area.rtaImage (34)

Adding a banner to a page

Once you have created and activated the banner in the banner ad module, you then need to add the banner to your selected pages in the page administration area.

The banner ad module will create a widget for each banner. You can add these by going to the Pages module, and then select the Widgets icon next to the selected page that you would like to add the banner to:

  • Click on +Add Widget button. 
  • Select Banner Ads from the left menu in the pop-up. 
  • Select the banner from the list that you would like to ad to your page. 

Keep in mind that everything you do in the widgets area is immediately live on your website, so please ensure you check the page to ensure the banner is displaying as you require.

For more information on add widgets, please see the article Page Widgets.

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Viewing the statistics of a banner

Once you have added a banner to a page it is helpful to view how your banner is performing. It is also excellent information to provide to external sponsors so that they can see the views and traffic they are getting for their money.

To view the statistics, click the statistics icon next to the selected banner ad.rtaImage (36)

Here you can filter dates or use one of the quick link buttons to select the statistics you wish to view.

The statistics included will show how many times the banner has been loaded, and how many times the banner has been clicked.rtaImage (37)